Zine Archives
In the past I have released some zines and other kind of stuffs. All of these are sold out but I can xerox them if you'd like. In this menu you can find a brief summary about these publications:
-Arch Vile
-Szakértői Vélemény
-Extreme Noise Fest newsletter #1-2
-Kuato Lives!
-2012-Kézikönyv; Avagy, hogyan éljük túl a túlélhetetlent
-Propaganda és népnevelés a Szomszédok teleregényben könyv(Filmelemzés)

Arch Vile is a music-orientated fanzine focused on grindcore, noise and powerviolence. Its concept and artwork has totally based on the cult PC games, like Wolfenstein, Doom (as its name also a monster from that game). Its unique design similar to the games, and its size also looks like a monitor (in A5). Written in English, contains interviews, reviews and social critic articles. The Arch Vile was made in cooperation with Divine_Chaos (divinechaos.kol2 @ gmail.com).
Arch Vile #4

Ripley going underground into the chamber of the Queen, where she encounters some Arch Viles coming out from alien eggs.... Fuck. Anyway, you can read the usual grind/noise interviews and reviews on professionally printed pages; just like previously.
Interviews: Eine Stunde Merzbauen, Napalmed, SxOxTxEx, Takashi Ohkawa, Johny foxter, Narcolepsia records, Nashgul, Blast, Nothing Clean.
Parameters: English written, laid A5, 52 pages.
500 ft/2Euro
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Arch Vile #3

Arch Vile this time teleported itself to the sunny beaches of LA Meltdown. This time Duke Nukem has the task to kill this monster and avoid its incinerating hellfire, be prepared to a hard fight.
Interviews: Chulo, Bulla Extrema, Apoptosis, Harsh Supplement, Regressus Diaboli, Guayana deathtape, Terror of Dinamite Attack, Clitgore, They Murder, Prosperity Denied, Mierda Humana, Audicion Irriteble.
+ Reviews on grind, noise, pv.
Parameters: English written, laid A5, 52 pages.
500 ft/2Euro
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Arch Vile #2

Interviews: Gripe, Chiens, Youth Violence, Internal Excavation, Sidetracked, Foible Instinct.
+ Reviews on movies and grind, noise, pv.
Parameters: English written, laid A5, 48 pages.
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Arch Vile #1

Interviews: Sordo, Jack, Whoresnation, Faction Disaster, Karak, Chappa'ai.
Parameters: English written, laid A5, 40 pages.
Articles: Identity crisis in the western civilization; So guys, do you like porn?; Useless products.
+ Reviews on musics (grind, noise, pv) and books.
Sold Out. Some copies left at Divine_Chaos, so write to him: kbtv[at]freemail[dot]hu).
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A SZAKÉRTŐI VÉLEMÉNY a Number Fever fanzine bemutató és workshop alkalmával készült közösségi kooperációban 2019 június 5-én az ISBN Galéria könyvesboltban.
E nagyszerű eseményen összeállt hét ember és nagy elánnal összevagdosták ezt a remek kis kollázsgyűjteményt.
A Number Fever #3 bemutatón elhangzottak hangfelvétel formájában meghallgathatók itt.
Készítették: Csapó Ida, Gáspár Sára, Kudri Dávid, Hegedűs Nóra, Földházi Gyula, Syporca Whandal, Szécsényi Márton, Varannai Gyöngyvér.
Paraméterek: 20 oldalas, A4. Kapható tőlem, vagy az ISBN galériában. További képek a facebook linkeken.
Letölthető és sokszorosítható innen.
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The Amazing Journey of the Little Prince

A sarcastic and demagogue fairy tale with some brutal illustrations about the Little prince, who started to visit all the planets in his galaxy searching for good friends, but instead he found planets with hypocritical and evil people. As the Little prince own the BFG9000 super-weapon, he starts to eliminate these miserable ones, and at his journey he arrives to Earth...
Texts directly plagiarized from Exupéry's classic, some texts were written by me.
A5, 24 pages, both has English and Hungarian written versions.
500 ft/2 Euro

2017-October As I'm with good friendship with the ENF crew, I support them by releasing this fanzine which were distributed for free in the shows of Purgatory/Morfium/Mordum/Maradandó Károsodás. The A5 format DIY, Hungarian, xeroxed zine contains interviews with the mentioned bands, plus a metal quiz. For free, there was a first issue but I don't have pictures.
Click on to see in original size!#LIKEOHNECLICK

2015-July My very first trendy publication with colorful cover functions as an interactive perzine, there are (true or fake?) moments about my lifeline which you can comment or like/dislike with a pen. #likeohneclick encourages offline, old-fashioned way of communication because the dear reader eventually needs to send me back the filled perzine so I can see his-her opinion about my personal life. There's an addressed envelop attached to the back for shipping. Call it perzine, mailart-shit, whatever. Sold out!
Click on to see in original size!KUATO LIVES!
The Kuato Lives! mini-zine is mainly about films or visual art. 3 issues exist, the second one is in English (cause its about English movie-lines), the rest is in Hungarian. STILL AVAILABLE!

Kuato Lives! #3

Representing famous or classic advertisement or commercial slogans (Hungarian ones), which ones burned into our minds forever. Vigyázat: az orrodat is tisztíccsa!
A6, 16 pages.
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Kuato Lives! #2

The collection of cultic quotes from movies (like Hasta la vista baby!). These lines remind us so many funny scene or situation.
A6, 16 pages.
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Kuato Lives! #1

The science fiction is a genre which show us a fictional world in the future. When the happenings in this non existing universe came true, the sci-fi becomes a critical style. This sci-zine introduces some classic films, and those things which has realized.
A6, 24 pages.
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The Provokatőr is a per-art-something 'zine, or saladzine. I really can't define it. Contains various, non-musical articles, images, poems or novels. All the five issues are comeing in five different forms, concepts and sizes (from A4 to A7).
Provokatőr #5

A very funny jokebook-edition with sarcastic and ironic jokes, comics. In fact, the #5 is the parody of humour magazines but in an ironic way: I tried to show ambigous jokes with mainly social critic message (particularly in a funny way). That's what sarcasm is!
Hungarian written, A6, 24 pages.
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Provokatőr #4

Patriotic edition about the wonderful Hungarian language, printed in the three colours of the national flag. Contains tricky tongue-twisters, palindroms, representing the beautyness of this complex language.
Hungarian written (of course), A7, 16 pages.
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Provokatőr #3

The third issue is an artzine edition, containing only ironic and sarcastic graphics and cut and paste collages. These images are about the environmental pollution, the so called sustainable development, or the consumidiotism,- therefore it is a very critical issue, criticising the consumer society. All the creations were exhibited in the Renegát Klugaléria during a one month long, underground and self-organized exhibition.
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ProvóCió - Provokatőr / Revolúció splitzine

A split zine with the Revolúció, made in the common support and promotion of these two zines. The Revolúció part is about the history of the zine and the Renegát Projekt (which is an autonomous artist collective); the Provokatőr part contains articles, poems, graphics, and so on... It has no certain concept, both of us wanted to represent the quintessence or main attitude of their zines. Revolúció zine: revolucio.eoldal.hu
A4, Hungarian written.
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Provokatőr #1

I did this zine because I had a lot of articles which aren't fit into Posthuman's profile. So the first issue of Provokatőr is a fucking salad bowl, I just collected all my filthy ideas into one pamphlet. The concept is: provocation, doing something new and different. Contents: articles, poems, graphics and so on... Some articles about: Drug-consumerism, Communist regime's judgement, AntiKárpátia, etc...
44 pages, A5, harsh cut and paste, Hungarian written.
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The very raw translation of the title is "2012-Guidebook; How To Survive The Unsurvivable".
Nomen est omen, it is a guidebook with useful advices, for example, how to build a bunker, or how can you avoid the meteors coming from the outer space. It has made before the apocalipse (in 21.12.2012) in order to save human lives from total destruction. Unfortunately it is written in Hungarian (but don't worry, the prediction of the Mayas was false, as you can write this text in 2013...). Obviously it is a sarcastic answer to the mass media's hysterical "world-end-campaign".
A6, 28 pages, Posthuman #4 supplement

A kultikus Szomszédok olyan népnevelést, propagandát folytat, amely egy morális, erkölcsi normák szerinti értékrendet közvetít. Példát mutat nekünk, mintákat állít fel, amelyek követendőek és ellenpéldákat, melyeket el kell utasítani – mindez pedig pontosan visszatükröződik a szereplőkben és azok megkonstruálásában is. A cselekmény, a történet szerves része egy-egy próbatétel, melyet a főszereplőknek kell kiállniuk, akik az erkölcs bajnokai, pozitív hősök, szemben az ő életüket megkeserítőkkel. Egy idealizált, végletekben gondolkodó univerzumot tár elénk, melyben a három család és barátai próbálnak boldogulni, nyugodt körülmények között élni kis életüket, mentesen minden rossztól, irigységtől, gonoszságtól, pénzéhségtől vagy káros szenvedélytől. Mindez nagyon mesebelien hangzik, és az is – ez egy „moralizáló mese” emberségről, szolidaritásról, jóságról szóló üzenetek tömkelegével. Emellett pedig számos olyan kritikát fogalmaz meg mind a rendszerrel, mind a társadalommal szemben, melyek sajnos még ma is aktuálisak.
A könyv a sorozat propagandisztikus, illetve népnevelő elemeit tematizálja, kategorizálja.
Paraméterek: A5-ös, 100 oldalas, színes borítós, és ragasztott.
Letölthető innen.
Egy szakmailag korrekt, rövid verzió innen.
És, hogy teljes legyen a kép, első és hátsó borítók a könyvhöz.
The very raw translation of the title is "Propaganda and moral education in the tv series Szomszédok".
It is a self released book about a Hungarian tv series, called Szomszédok (Neighbours). In a nut shell: this series contains a tons of moral messages, and even political statements, often criticizing the actual system (it has started in the communistic era, and ended in 1999). Therefore, it is a very unique film.
The book tries to thematise and cathegorise these propagandistic motives.
100 pages, A5, Hungarian written.
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